Stock-Market Outlook: 3 Big Risks That May Cause a Crash: Morningstar – Business Insider - Stock Vibe Plugg



Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Stock-Market Outlook: 3 Big Risks That May Cause a Crash: Morningstar – Business Insider

  • Being light on US stocks in your portfolio can be a good thing when the market is overvalued.
  • Morningstar’s global CIO told Insider he’s not putting new money into US equities at current levels.
  • He also warned of three big risks that he thinks could cause a market crash if they come to pass.

When the US stock market is unattractively valued, it’s fair to say equities as an asset class are too.

This is because of the dominance of US stocks in global terms. Something that is not as widely understood as it should be is that US equities account for well over half of the entire stock market, at 54% (57% with Canada added) according to MSCI, though the US accounts for only 4.2% of the world’s population.

American retail investors tend to focus on their home market to such a degree that they manage to be heavily overweight US shares while investors outside America are underweight US stocks versus the index — which can be a costly mistake in a bull market .

Being light on US stocks in your portfolio can be a good thing when the market is overvalued, as some seasoned investors think is the case right now.

Morningstar’s global chief investment officer, Dan Kemp, is among them. He told Insider in a recent interview that the portfolios he oversees were broadly not putting money into US stocks at the moment, even after the big sell-off in January.

“US technology assets were very richly priced, obviously benefiting from the very low level of interest rates. So we’ve seen them as overvalued for a while, notwithstanding the quality and the growth there,” he said.

“Although we’ve had a bit of a correction, US technology still looks very overpriced, and because of the weight of tech in the index, US equities are beyond the boundaries of what would be an attractive investment,” he said.

Kemp said he would need to see a 10% fall in the US market to consider allocating significant fresh capital to the asset class — though that would have to be relative to other markets and wouldn’t apply if all equities markets declined together.

“At 10% lower, the US would not look absolutely cheap. It needs to go well below that, and you’re looking at 20% before it starts looking attractive in those terms,” he said. “But because of the quality of that market and the quality of the companies there compared to other parts of the world, it could become attractive again sooner on a quality-adjusted basis or risk-adjusted basis.”

With the biggest equities market in the world overvalued, investing well becomes more difficult. In a broad downswing, there will still be pockets of opportunity, and Kemp and his teams have identified some.

Finding sectors to add value

Consumer staples we still see as attractive in the in the US, and they have that robustness, that quality element to them, which is really useful,” Kemp said.

Financials are less attractive than they were last year, but certainly more attractive than the tech market,” he added. “Energy, again, certainly more attractive than other sectors. There’s very few parts of the US market which are absolutely attractive, but from a relative perspective there are opportunities there.”

There is much better value to be found outside of the US, Kemp said, and he’s particularly positive on UK equities. “In contrast, when we look at the UK, that’s still much more modestly valued,” he said. “And so as we see the prices for the UK and the weakness over the last few weeks, then these are these assets that are becoming more attractively priced.”

The UK is holding up reasonably well as an investment prospect this year because of its high exposure to energy and financials. The FTSE 100 is one of the few benchmark indexes still in positive territory so far this year, with a gain of almost 3% versus a loss of 6% in the S&P 500.

“These sectors have obviously done much better recently and so look less attractive than last year, but still attractive on fairly conservative estimates,” Kemp said.

Kemp said Japan was another market he liked relative to the US, as it hasn’t seen the same kind of overheating valuations. The price-to-earnings ratio on the benchmark Nikkei 225 index is 15.4, compared with 23.3 for the S&P 500, according to Bloomberg data.

As well as overstretched prices, there are three major risk factors that Kemp is watching closely — and he believes any of them could prompt a market crash.

First is the possibility that already high inflation gets higher and persists further into 2022 than markets or the Federal Reserve anticipate. That could force sharp interest-rate rises.

“At the moment, when you think about inflation, the key with inflation is not the level — arguably, it’s the persistence,” Kemp said. “If we were to see the sharp increase in prices caused by temporary supply-chain issues turn into stickier inflation, then that’s definitely more challenging, because the central banks have to respond.”

The second major risk factor Kemp sees is closely related but separate from the first. He said he believes that deflation and a recession caused by a combination of rate hikes, a supply-chain recovery, and a loss of confidence in the economy are very real dangers that investors are not factoring in.

“That’s currently not priced into the market at all,” he said. “At the moment, people aren’t expecting a very sharp fall in prices, but arguably you can see a scenario where there’s another wave of COVID or we find we are suddenly very oversupplied as supply chains are fixed.”

The third of Kemp’s trio of nasties is a geopolitical wild card. Kemp said that geopolitical risk is perhaps the hardest to price into markets and predict with any reliability. But there are reasons to think there is significant risk in this area: A war between Russia and Ukraine would fit the bill, of course, as would something like a new pandemic wave, he said.

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